MOVING . . .

So we sold our house and we bought a house.  Now comes the fun part.  Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled we finally sold our house after a year of trying and bought a great new one but while acquiring any sort of residence is exciting in theory, the reality is another story.  The actual moving part isn’t so bad.  You rent a U-Haul, throw all the stuff from your old house in, cart it to your new house where you throw it all in and then unpack it over the next few weeks or years depending on how high your tolerance for disorganization and clutter is.

It’s the stuff that happens between signing the purchase agreement and signing the mortgage papers that causes me intestinal distress and perpetual light-headedness.  You know, the sorting, the organizing, the physical act of putting all that stuff in boxes and labeling it as specifically as possible.  (My Stuff and Your Stuff just doesn’t cut it and will cause unimaginable torment when you finally get around to unpacking . . . trust me, I know!)

Then there is the anxiety-producing task of getting rid of all the stuff you haven’t looked at in the ten years you’ve lived at your current location.  Now it seems kinda contrary to my previous posts (i.e. Lazy) but I am not at all a hoarder.  In fact, I get rid of stuff a little too soon but my other half . . . well, let’s just say he’s a bit more attached to his material possessions than me and I have on occasion thrown out things without his permission.   I know that sounds like a breach of trust but he has never even noticed and I’d appreciate you not spilling the beans!  Besides, I’m talking bowling pin lamps and old checking statements.  We are currently negotiating the half- finished wooden carving his dad started thirty years ago which he assures me he will finish one of these days . . . just so you know, he has never carved anything in his life.

To be fair, it’s not like I don’t have boxes buried in the storage closets that I should have given away years ago but it’s not because of any irrational attachment to said stuff it’s just out of sight, out of mind.  But since our new place is half the size of our old one, I have been forced to make numerous trips to the local charity thrift store and will probably make a few more before this adventure is over.  Although, I must say it gives me an unexpected sense of relief to get rid of all this stuff.   I mean really, how much stuff does a person need anyway?

I feel good about downsizing and if our old stuff helps out someone else, that’s a bonus.  But once this move is over and all these boxes are safely ensconced in the closets of our new place waiting with fading hope to be unpacked at some point years in the future, I will be so happy to once again pursue my God-given purpose in life. . .*


*It’s being lazy in case you didn’t get it.






One thought on “MOVING . . .

  1. I liked your description of your moving. I hate to think what a move for us would be like. The march assignment you read is under revision and should be improved by next week or so.

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