So like most people I hate being wrong. Even worse, I hate having to admit I’m wrong. There is something so, well, wrong about having to eat crow ―maybe with a little butter it’s not so bad― and ‘fess up to another human being that my thoughts, actions, opinions or fashion choices leave something to […]


So Spring has finally sprung! How do I know? I hear birds chirping outside my bedroom window at the crack of dawn. I see curbs and all the potholes winter left behind. I replaced my Gore-Tex infused full-body winter survival ensemble with a movement friendly non down-filled jacket. I wore sandals the other day even […]

THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE! ―said Luke to Vader upon hearing the truth . . .

So I’ve decided God must have been crazy when He told us we’re supposed to love our neighbors/enemies as ourselves. And to make things even worse, I think what He really meant is that we are supposed to love them unconditionally. You know, like God loves us. Oh sure, we all say we do that […]


So apparently there has been a bit of a kerfuffle of late regarding the racial identity of Santa Claus. It was suggested that the old image of Santa ―you know, bushy bearded, brazenly, fashion-less red suit wearing, white dude― should be replaced by a penguin. Personally, I think this is a great idea. I mean […]